My Gallery
Step into my weaving journey and immerse yourself in a collection of breathtaking photographs showcasing my evolution as a Navajo native artist. These intricate weavings are not just mere textiles; they are a reflection of my journey as a weaver, from my humble beginnings of weaving block patterns to the bold and stunning eye dazzlers and outline storm patterns.
As I slowly ventured out of my comfort zone, I experimented with new techniques and designs, weaving everything from rug purses and pillows to round rugs and even pictorials - a weaving style that I never thought I would have the creativity to master, but came to me naturally. These photos are a testament to my passion for weaving and my dedication to pushing the boundaries of traditional Navajo weaving.

EMStanley Creations
P.O. Box 456
Waterflow, NM, 87421
505-340-8978 -